Tell me Tell me 把愛說出來
Tell me Tell me 傳達你的愛
Love me Love me 投入我的懷抱
Kiss me Kiss me 我只愛你一個

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Here's a call for everyone
Take a chance and love someone
Call me when you need me around
It's over now

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果てなき世界ならば この胸には証しを
若是個沒有盡頭的世界的話 就在我心中寫上證明吧
同じ涙濡れたら 僕ら笑いあおう
若是被同樣的眼淚沾濕的話 我們就相對一笑吧

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弱さのせいにしたのは 互いの「最愛」の為だろう
歸咎於脆弱 是為了成為彼此的「最愛」吧
Let's see in the cold bed…

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例えるなら  そう君は
打個比方 你啊 就像
羽広げ水面に落下したがっていたCrow  無邪気に遊ぶ目は何を見る
正展翅落到水面上的烏鴉 天真無邪的嬉戲看見了什麼呢

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Hello, my dear, kill me, gently.
A burned body doesn't leave you.

救えないと嘆く 死さえ見ただろう?

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Take off both your shoes and clothes I'll follow
Undo corkscrew drink from the half of a broken bottle
Lately we're running out of time, aren't we?
Smoking often and calling out our guilty pleasures

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You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie

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